4K UHD Review - China O'Brien
January 11, 2025
Director Robert Clouse is best known for his work on 1973's "Enter the Dragon," helping to bring the martial arts mastery of Bruce Lee to western audiences. He's also the helmer of 1985's "Gymkata," exposing his clumsier side when it comes to selling the power of action cinema. For 1990's "China O'Brien," Clouse seems especially overwhelmed by the assignment (he also claims a screenwriting credit), tasked with making two scrappy fight films (including a 1990 sequel, shot at the same time) that celebrate the physical might of star Cynthia Rothrock, with the vehicle manufactured to break her into the American market. "China O'Brien" is rough around the edges, borderline slapdash at times, but there's Rothrock to hold the endeavor together, providing a greatly entertaining take on western attitudes with this cowboy tale of law and order. Read the rest at Blu-ray.com