Film Review - The Six Triple Eight
December 20, 2024
Tyler Perry gets ambitious with “The Six Triple Eight,” representing the filmmaker’s attempt at a World War II story. And it’s a terrific tale of the 6888th Central Post Directory Battalion, which was tasked to bring order to chaos as mail deliveries all but stopped during the final years of the global conflict. It’s an interesting slice of WWII history, and one worth understanding. However, Perry tries to go in Spielberg mode for the endeavor, which is far beyond his abilities as a helmer who largely enjoys broadness in all forms. “The Six Triple Eight” isn’t a disaster, as the cast does well with mediocre material (scripted by Perry), getting as far as the writing allows. Simplicity is the goal of the production, while the history behind this form of heroism and endurance seems quite complex, resulting in a viewing experience that intermittently connects on an emotional level, but can’t keep its distance from clumsiness. Read the rest at