Film Review - Timestalker
The Worst Films of 2024

Film Review - September 5


It’s been named the “Munich Massacre.” In 1972, a Palestinian terrorist group known as “Black September” entered the Olympic Village during the 1972 summer games, out to take Israeli athletes hostage and broadcast their mission to the world. In a first for television, ABC News was there to document the unfolding situation, sharing such haunting imagery and tense moments with a global audience. Instead of exploring the atmosphere of the violent takeover, co-writer/director Tim Fehlbaum (2021’s “Tides”) remains close to the ABC team in “September 5,” following the panicked crew as they mount an effort to keep up with the emergency situation, using professional seasoning and technology to capture an unprecedented event. It's history, but Fehlbaum turns it into riveting cinema, keeping “September 5” lean and kinetic, skillfully recreating heated moments and charged personalities in one of the best films of the year. Read the rest at


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