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Film Review - Unstoppable

4K UHD Review - The Sadness


Rob Jabbaz makes his feature-length directorial debut with "The Sadness," heading to the world of horror to create a first impression with audiences, like many aspiring moviemakers before him. It's zombie cinema in a way, but the material is largely inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic, with production taking place in 2020, when the world was still trying to manage the details of the viral event. "The Sadness" uses this sense of confusion and chaos as a starting point for a tale of survival, with Jabbaz working to add as much blood and guts as possible. "The Sadness" is an exercise in extremity, and while the helmer has all the gore and ugliness imaginable, he neglects to create a pace to the endeavor, which never feels alive as it drags from one makeup effects display to the next. Read the rest at


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