Blu-ray Review - Tramps
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Blu-ray Review - Conrad Brooks vs. Werewolf


Conrad Brooks was a B-movie actor primarily known for his association with notorious director Ed Wood, and he would be the first person to remind you of this connection. Brooks participated in the making of "Glen or Glenda," "The Sinister Urge," and "Plan 9 from Outer Space," enjoying the attention of such career achievements, and he has a superfan in Dave "The Rock" Nelson. A monster cinema maniac, Nelson developed a desire, perhaps obsession, to make little pictures indulging his greatest genre fantasies, cranking out titles while paying no attention to technical achievements. It's all about the love of the game for Nelson, who tries to blend his favorite things in 1994's "Conrad Brooks vs. Werewolf," which puts the actor in the danger zone, portraying…well, himself, as he spends a sunny afternoon in Baltimore running around a pier and a cemetery, chasing Nelson in a Halloween mask. The intent is to generate a shot-on-video romp with older men and a helmer who really has little idea what he's doing. It's meant to be fun, but "Conrad Brooks vs. Werewolf," from the moment it begins, transforms into a small screen dead zone, with viewers treated to amateur acting and backyard filmmaking that puts in no effort to become the schlocky blast it imagines itself to be. Read the rest at


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