Film Review - Gary
August 31, 2024
For 181 episodes of television, actor Gary Coleman managed to charm viewers with his cherubic appearance and comfort with comedy. He was one of the stars of “Diff’rent Strokes,” initially cast for his ease in front of a camera, only to develop into a pop culture icon, complete with a catchphrase (“What’choo talkin’ about, Willis?”) and seemingly endless energy to capitalize on such rare success. But there was a very real side to Coleman’s life, especially after his time on the sitcom, and director Robin Dashwood makes a little effort to explore his experience in “Gary,” a documentary that examines some of his highs and most of his lows. A sensationalistic tone permeates the film, as Dashwood can’t resist the ugly side of Coleman’s days. However, there’s an opportunity to understand the late subject’s perspective in life, comprehending decisions that became tabloid fodder, while his pain is made crystal clear. Read the rest at