Film Review - Tuesday (2024)
June 11, 2024
Writer/director Daina Oniunas-Pusic offers quite the first impression with “Tuesday,” her feature-length helming debut. She doesn’t make it easy for herself, taking on the subject of death, and even the process of it in an askew way, going the magical realism route with this study of a mother working extremely hard to deny the imminent passing of her terminally ill daughter, challenged by Death itself, who emerges in the form of a macaw. There’s a devastating side to the material, but Oniunas-Pusic isn’t all that interested in crafting a tearjerker, going to much stranger places with the endeavor, which is never short on surprises. “Tuesday” hits the heart, how could it not? But there’s a rich sense of inspired filmmaking driving the effort, with Oniunas-Pusic overseeing outstanding performances and imaginative storytelling with this often stunning exploration of life and loss. Read the rest at