Film Review - Poolman
May 10, 2024
Chris Pine has been hammering out an acting career for the last two decades, but he takes on more creative power with “Poolman,” credited as the writer and director, as well as claiming leading man duties. Perhaps it classifies as a vanity project, with Pine making himself the center of attention in this Southern California detective story, portraying a man who lives in his own world suddenly facing the corruption and violence of the real world. It could be promising as a psychological study of a shut-in lightly fried by his Los Angeles experience, but Pine wants to make a comedy, merging noir and silliness for this mild mystery. Unfortunately, while the creator has tremendous enthusiasm for the material (co-written by Ian Gotler), such brightness of spirit can’t lift a mostly comatose endeavor. “Poolman” just isn’t the good time Pine wants it to be, though support from seasoned actors do help the cause. Read the rest at