Film Review - Under the Boardwalk
November 28, 2023
“Under the Boardwalk” is a 2023 animated film that parodies the world of “Jersey Shore,” an MTV show that originally aired 14 years ago. In terms of timing, the feature has a strange sense of pop culture ribbing, trying to work with the basics of the reality program, transferring imagery and attitude to a world of crabs and their quest to find themselves in the big sweep of oceanic life. The target is stale and at least one hire in the voice cast is sure to make viewers cringe, but “Under the Boardwalk” isn’t a sloppy effort. It’s nicely animated work with a colorful sense of character design and locations, offering a pleasant New Jersey journey with the smallest of creatures, with director David Soren (“Turbo,” “Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie”) doing well with some comedic activity and exploration. It’s not an especially strong picture, but as this type of entertainment goes, it has polish and some decent ideas to share with little ones concerning kindness and acceptance. Read the rest at