Film Review - The Ritual Killer
March 08, 2023
Director George Gallo hasn’t been delivering decent work, with recent years devoted to ineffective thrillers and chillers (“The Poison Rose,” “Vanquish”), and he returns to genre duty with “The Ritual Killer,” which is credited to six screenwriters and 18 producers, gathering a full house when it comes to making creative decisions. The feature reflects such a populated production team, as various ideas and tones compete for screentime, only to face a painfully vanilla approach from Gallo, who doesn’t do anything to get the endeavor going. “The Ritual Killer” is cookie cutter filmmaking all around, providing a dull ride with dangerous and broken characters who all move so slowly and offer little emotion, they may as well be mannequins presented for limited posing. For a movie about a murderer, black magic, and traumatic pasts, nobody here is working up the energy to care much about it. Read the rest at