Film Review - The Feast
November 17, 2021
Writer Roger Williams and director Lee Haven Jones assess the state of the ecological world with “The Feast.” It’s a horror feature that’s about a slow-burn as they come, with the filmmakers looking to create a creeping mood of dread via a dinner party scenario, taking their time with character interactions and acts of savagery. There’s not a lot of excitement to be found in the movie, but it does go somewhere, working itself up into a frenzy with a payoff that’s not quite worth the extended time to get there. “The Feast” is atmospheric and cryptic, and Jones doesn’t extend an invitation to the viewer with the endeavor, keeping the effort distanced, and not in a way that welcomes closer attention to screen details. It’s certainly vicious, but it’s hard to work up much enthusiasm for the picture’s glacial ways. Read the rest at