Blu-ray Review - Terror in the Aisles
March 09, 2021
This is quite a time for "Terror in the Aisles" to come out on Blu-ray. It's a documentary about the thrill of seeing horror and suspense entertainment with the full-throated power of a large audience, creating an unforgettable communal experience. We don't have much of that these days, leaving the 1984 release a wonderful reminder of how special moviegoing can be, especially when the crowds are filled with marijuana-smoking, physically active ticket-buyers responding in full to the might of fright films. It also helps to have stars Nancy Allen and Donald Pleasence around, with the pair making brief appearances and providing lively narration for the endeavor. Trips to the theater aren't quite as fun or comforting as they used to be, but "Terror in the Aisles," while working with simple creative goals, secures just how special a night at the multiplex with a rowdy audience can be. Read the rest at