Film Review - Cosmic Sin
March 10, 2021
Last December, moviegoers were offered “Breach,” a low-budget sci-fi/horror endeavor that paired co-writer/director Edward Drake, co-writer Corey Large, and star Bruce Willis, who certainly hasn’t been choosy in recent years, seemingly taking any job that meets his quote and offers limited time on the set. Three months later, the trio are back with “Cosmic Sin,” another sci-fi/horror offering (perhaps made right after “Breach”) that aims a little higher than the previous collaboration, trying to provide viewers with an epic understanding of imperialism without spending the right amount of cash to bring it to life. Drake returns with colorful cinematography and a passably compelling first half, but “Cosmic Sin” loses its vague intensity in a hurry, soon bogged down by cliches and backyard filmmaking limitations, while Willis is the usual Willis, showing very little interest in anything happening around him. Read the rest at