Film Review - Wrong Turn (2021)
February 10, 2021
Perhaps for most outsiders, the idea of a “Wrong Turn” series is baffling. Producers made it happen, sensing brand name potential after the original film made a small profit in 2003, resulting in the creation of five sequels/prequels (no, really) meant to give DVD renters something to do on a weekend night. We haven’t heard from the franchise since 2014, with 2021’s “Wrong Turn” a reboot of sorts, making a distinct play to refresh the marketplace value of the title and get away from the cannibalism aspects of the earlier installments. The feature aims to do something different with the concept of Virginian backwoods horror, and it offers an interest twist on the identification of villainy. The production doesn’t follow through on a few of its ideas, but the “Wrong Turn” do-over has moments of aggression and intimidation that work rather well. Read the rest at