Film Review - The Map of Tiny Perfect Things
February 10, 2021
Time loop movies are becoming increasingly common, giving filmmakers a chance to run wild with the fantasy premise, often going for laughs due to the concept of persistent repetition, which is always fun to watch. Just last summer, “Palm Springs” found a way to charm with its take on “Groundhog Day”-style confusion and romance, and now “The Map of Tiny Perfect Things” is playing in the same sandbox, only here the emphasis is on young love and emotional confrontation. Screenwriter Lev Grossman adapts his own short story, creating a blend of mild funny business and deep feeling. It’s easy to spot the stretchmarks on the material, but ideas on life challenges and relationships come through with care, and director Ian Samuels does a clever job keeping the monotony of time loop events on the move, providing the feature with a few stretches of kinetic energy. Read the rest at