Film Review - Kite
October 09, 2014
Last summer, actress Chloe Grace Moretz stated there will never be a “Kick-Ass 3” due to piracy woes (conveniently forgetting that few were interested in the original film to begin with). It was a crushing blow to the faithful, but never fear Hit-Girl fans, “Kite” is here to pick up the slack. A violent study of a teen assassin working in a smoky dystopian landscape, “Kite” creates quite a commotion as it smashes heads and dodges bullets, with the producers displaying a distinct interest in picking up where “Kick-Ass” left off, even bringing in a known Hollywood paycheck-casher (in this case, Samuel L. Jackson) to beef up the legitimacy of such a one-note viewing experience. The similarities are startling at times. Read the rest at