Film Review - The Amazing Spider-Man 2
May 01, 2014
The decision to bring multiple villains into a superhero extravaganza has always been a difficult one to digest. It works periodically (Christopher Nolan’s Batman films established a memorable community of foes), but, for the most part, it results in severe overcrowding, with the production failing to juggle the needs of the protagonist as it faces the wrath of numerous antagonists. “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” a quickie sequel to the 2012 effort, suffers from too much, too soon, cramming three different villains, a parental backstory, a tepid love story, and comic book hero adventuring into a single picture. The fatigue is immediate, even when director Marc Webb struggles to jazz up the feature with event movie excess, resulting in a mediocre follow-up to a mediocre original, with the production’s speed to explore spin-off possibilities damaging the dramatic potential of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2.” Read the rest at