Film Review - The Words
September 07, 2012
“The Words” is riveting, illuminating, and communicative…for about 45 minutes. It’s enough time to convince an initially hesitant ticket buyer that something interesting is afoot, with writer/directors Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal gracefully exploring the mechanics of a literary career (or lack thereof), while building toward a crucial act of plagiarism that feels like it could be dissected for two movies. And then the brakes are applied in an abrupt fashion, removing the professional urgency that drives the material, turning a pleasingly straightforward story of personal corruption into a tepid cinematic confessional. “The Words” commences so convincingly, there’s hope for a climatic return to form. Alas, the picture limps to a close, more interested in playing games than burrowing as deep as possible into a spellbinding situation of fraud. Read the rest at