Spooky Empire's Ultimate Horror Weekend 2009 - Zombie Walk
October 10, 2009
The Spooky Empire Ultimate Horror Convention has come to Orlando this weekend, bringing a mass of celebrities, uncomfortable beards, and smiles to town, thrilling horror fanatics who wait all year for this event. To kick off the festivities, there’s a Zombie Walk, encouraging undead fans to dress up as decrepitly as possible and march (or drag) a harrowing 1/2 mile to the front door of the host hotel. It’s a community of fun-loving, grotesque participants, and there’s a clear love for the macabre tradition.
This video was taken at the starting line, right after the master of ceremonies drove a chainsaw through a blood-filled skeleton to christen the Walk.
This video is from the other side of the street, near the end of the Walk.
Here, a troupe from a “Rocky Horror” tribute show decided to recreate Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” in the parking lot. Bad angle, I know, but you try to squeeze into a pack of bloody strangers, most a good five minutes away from succumbing to heatstroke.
John Landis and "Night of the Living Dead" zombie, Bill Hinzman
Landis taking pictures of the second "Thriller" performance.
Landis jumps in for a photo-op with an original "Thriller" dancer.