Review Rodeo (10/26/07)
Review Rodeo (11/2/07)

Did "Saw IV" Steal My Quote?

This could very well be the most preposterous thought I’ve had in a long time.

Last year, on October 28th, I submitted a review for "Saw III" on My quote for the film was “If it's Halloween, it must be Saw. And if it's Saw, it must be God awful."

Sure, a cynical, sassmouth thing to write. What can I do? I have to compete for space with so many critics, occasionally you need a snappy hook.

It’s common knowledge the studios scan Tomatoes for advertising quotes and to get a better idea how their film is surviving in the world of reviews.

Cut to this Halloween, and this “Saw IV” poster shows up in movie theaters…


Strange, huh?

Who knows where the quote was taken from. I’m sure I wasn’t the only guy with that particular quip. However…it’s suspicious. Extra fun comes from the thought that Lionsgate used a quote from a negative review. Well, extra fun for me.



Of COURSE they stole it from you. You're the best!


Lawsuits have been won on flimsier evidence. It's at least worth a shot talking to a lawyer. What's Gloria Allred up to these days?

Lady A

Oooh you're gonna be so rich!!

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